Commercial Law

This Practice Group facilitates the collaboration of our members specialized in Commercial Law. Members share the latest practice trends with other members in the group, discuss current events, share know-how and resources.

About Commercial Law

The purpose of the Commercial Practice Group is to further the exchange of those persons in the different Pangea Net member firms who deal with matters from the area often defined as “general commercial” (sales & distribution & related questions).

In the yearly group meetings, each participant is required to give a short report in relation to a predetermined subject of common interest from the point of view of his/her jurisdiction. Subjects in the past years have been commercial agency, limitation of liability and litigating in the respective national courts. By exchanging information and discussing similarities and differences, participants not only gain a deeper understanding of the subject in question but get to know each other better on a professional level. This builds mutual confidence and facilitates the cooperation in future mandates, where an efficient and reliable communication at short notice is often required.

For any information of our group’s expertise and insight, please contact Nick Smee.

Point of contact

Nick Smee

Partner at Browne Jacobson, UK