Pangea Net

We created this international network of independent law firms because we believe that clients’ business interests and opportunities are best served through a focused cooperation between committed law firms and high-quality lawyers.


Our core values

When Pangea Net was founded in 2009, we rejected the typical legal network model – the online directory list of law firms whose thousands of members rarely ever meet. We instead made a promise that our network would grow organically, attracting firms that share a common commitment to:


Ensuring that members really get to know each other


Delivering exceptional client service


Providing business solutions, not theoretical legal memos


Understanding the evolved needs of today’s global business players.


Geographic footprint

Pangea Net stands out for its international outlook. Our members understand the special needs of clients operating internationally, their position in global markets and their justified demands with regard to the efficiency exercised by, and the practicability of solutions presented by, their legal counsel.



Pangea Net is run on an international association basis with a fully transparent and flexible governance.

We have put in place a lean and effective governance infrastructure with an Executive Board whose members are appointed for a two-year mandate that can be renewed.

Our Board members meet monthly to set strategic directions, monitor and improve operations, oversee management, expand relationships within the network and beyond and check that quality standards are met. They are supported in their responsibilities by a Network Operating Officer.


Our members

We ensure the highest standards across our membership through the implementation of strict admissions criteria, membership policies, peer-to-peer feedback and regular reviews by the Executive Board.

Pangea Net is committed to ensuring that our members really get to know and understand each other.

Nils Wigginghaus – BRANDI Rechtsanwälte